Husky Pictures
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These are some of the pictures of some of my dogs.

3 of the puppies from the litter before last, sleeping.

Puppies with momma and aunti Giz (Husky/mix)

Boy on the lookout while the girls beat up momma

The boy from the litter before last.

This is Empress Kiara.

The Boy sleeping again, with the girls looking at the camera

Princess Nala

Prince Nikko

Guinness was born 11-16-01 from Empress Kiara Ellinger and Ali Baba Simba, his new owners are Melissa and Lenny S.

Here's Guinness lying down happily in his new home.

Here's Guinness the first time in the snow.

Guinness takes a moment out of his fun in the snow to look into the camera.

Guinness staking out his new territory.

Here's Nikhita with her new mommy Sharon. Nikhita from my litter before last from Princess Nala and Prince Nikko.

This is Nikhita, pooped out from a long day of playing.

Here's Nikhita with her best friend Timbre.

This is Shanook, born 11-16-01. As you can see he's a rare beauty...he's brown and white, and has a "star" clover on his forehead.

As with most huskies, Shanook is spoiled. Here he is protecting his dynobone.

And yes, Shanook, as with most huskies, loves his pool.